Gift Set - Drawstring Bag + JournalBook + Pen - (GS1010_NOTT)

Best used as a thoughtful and practical gift for occasions such as corporate events, conferences, seminars, or promotional giveaways. It can also be utilized by individuals who appreciate eco-friendly and sustainable products for personal use, such as jotting down notes, sketching ideas, or carrying essentials on the go. Colours: Black, Blue, Red and White. Sizes: Bag: 211mm(w) x 304mm(h) Journal: 145mm(w) x 215mm(h) x 14mm(d) Pen: 140mm(w) x 13mm.
Features: This gift set is made up of the 5076 Midi 100% Cotton Drawstring Bag, the JB1022 Eco Colour Bound JournalBook, and the 4104 Nash Bamboo Ballpoint Pen. Materials: Cotton, Paper, Bamboo


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